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Write For Us
The OSM blog is a go-to place for everyone interested in reading tech news and updates, trends, tips, and case studies. From development and design to branding and marketing — we’ve got you covered!
Our audience includes techies and non-techies willing to learn, which makes our blog the right place to share your knowledge and expertise via guest posts.
We’re on the hunt for talented writers to contribute to our blog.
Here’s an opportunity for you to get great exposure for your business, build your writing portfolio, or drive traffic to your website. Besides, Google finds the OSM website very authoritative, meaning a backlink can improve your SEO rankings.
Here’s what you’ll get as an OSM blog guest contributor:
- A prominent byline (author bio) including one do-follow link of your choice
- One contextual do-follow link to a related post on your blog (that means you also get a backlink within the body of the post)
- Post promotion and targeted traffic via our social media channels and email subscribers
Sounds awesome, right?
If you are interested, continue reading our guidelines to learn about the next steps.
Contributor Guidelines
Think your experience and knowledge could help? You’re welcome to apply! Here’s how:
Following the guidelines written below saves everyone’s time, so thank you in advance for reading!
Step 1: Fill out the Contact Form at the bottom of this page. It would be useful to write a bit about your expertise and previous writing experience. Here are the topics we cover:
- Website development
- Elementor Website Builder
- Elementor
- Mobile app development
- Web & UI/UX design
- Branding
Step 2: We’ll review your application and get back to you within 1-2 days. If we think that your work may be a good fit for our blog, we may ask you to write an outline just to be sure we agree on the content. Alternatively, we can provide you with a topic!
Step 3: Upon approval of your outline, we’ll ask you to submit a complete draft according to the Post Requirements listed below.
Guest Post Requirements
- 1,000-2,000 words of 100% original, informative/educational content
- NO affiliate or paid links allowed. Any link in the body content must reference a relevant, high-quality blog post.
- NO self-promotion or calls to action in the body of your post are allowed (it is OK in your byline).
- We reserve the right to remove or change links and edit your post in any way at our sole discretion.
We look forward to reading your work and collaborating with you.