QA Usluge Testiranja


OSM softver testeri su vrhunski profesionalci kada je u pitanju testiranje softvera. Budite sigurni da ćete dobiti najbolje usluge QA testiranja, koje god softversko rešenje da je u pitanju.

Naše usluge QA testiranja imaju za cilj da osiguraju da svi tehnički detalji projekta budu savršeni, bez ikakvih grešaka.

Kad kažemo bez grešaka, podrazumevamo da je apsolutno sve na svom mestu od funkcionalnosti  i sigurnosti samog softvera, do njegovog dizajna i interfejsa.

Manuelno testiranje

Nijedna skripta ne može zameniti znanje i iskustvo QA testera. Zbog toga je poznato da je manuelno testiranje neophodno prilikom testiranja softvera. Naš QA tim je tu da improvizuje, predloži poboljšanja, ali i razume performanse i novine softvera bolje od bilo kog alata ili skripte. Proces manuelnog testiranja u OSM:

Zajedno u timu određujemo šta će biti testirano


Analiziranje detalja za uslove ispitivanja, scenarije i definisanje test slučajeva


Krećemo sa poslom! Dolazi do primene i izvršavanja dogovorenih test slučajeva


Procena i detaljno izveštavanje


Zatvaranje testa, odnosno proveravamo da li je da je sve na svom mestu, da nam slučajno ne promaknu neki detalji


Procesi testiranja

OSM QA tim pokriva višestruke procese testiranja u okviru kojih spadaju:

Procena i planiranje rada na svakom sprintu

Sprints are defined by time estimates in working days or hours. In agreement with the client, we share our time estimate for both the development and QA time phase to develop one feature. Usually, sprints have tasks that can be resolved, tested, and confirmed in 10 working days. The client delivers specifications that are required for starting the development phase and are also very important for the QA team. The QA team leans on the specification or the task description. The first thing is to analyze the specification or the task with the development team and project manager at sprint planning meetings. The QA Analyst needs to understand the feature and ask additional questions to cover and write all possible test scenarios. Also, a developer can lean on those scenarios when completing the development phase.

All features or tasks have priorities defined by the client. This means that the QA team has to take  that priority into account when they start testing the features. A task has to have a description, visual design, and a detailed description of the expected  behavior. The QA analyst then uses that as a guideline to start writing test cases. All written test cases are part of the regression testing later which is also very important to perform after every sprint completion. Scenarios could be written in the same task for developers, but test cases should be written in an individual tool that covers the QA management process.

Regression Testing

Sanity Testing

Smoke Testing

Component Testing

Ad Hoc testing

When QA Analysts find inconsistent behavior of the feature (bug), the bug should be reported. The OSM QA team has a procedure, that is Bug Reporting Guidelines where QA Analysts are following the steps for creating bug tickets.

At OSM, we believe that functional testing plays a crucial role in transforming a client’s understanding of customer needs into applications that meet their requirements. Releasing applications with serious functional shortcomings can lead to disastrous consequences. When all the above functional testing types are performed at the right time in the development process, functional testing ensures the delivery of a quality product.

Interno QA testiranje vremena

This phase starts when all defined features within sprints are resolved so the QA team can start performing different testing activities mentioned above. When bugs are found, tickets are created, and when developers finish fixing them, then the bugs are retested. The QA team documents all the results regarding one bug in the existing ticket. Once in a defined period, the QA team performs again one of the testing types mentioned above (Smoke, Regression, Sanity, Ad hoc, etc.) to confirm and ensure the best product quality.

Eksterno QA testiranje vremena ili UAT (User Acceptance Testing)

(User Acceptance Testing)

This phase starts when all defined features within sprints are resolved so the QA team can start performing different testing activities mentioned above.

When bugs are found, tickets are created, and when developers finish fixing them, then the bugs are retested. The QA team documents all the results regarding one bug in the existing ticket. Once in a defined period, the QA team performs again one of the testing types mentioned above (Smoke, Regression, Sanity, Ad hoc, etc.) to confirm and ensure the best product quality.

4. Period postprodukcije i održavanje aplikacija

The last phase includes the post-production, release and deployment process, bug fixing process, and the QA workflow which will be used to perform the production bug fixes and deployment process to the highest standards.

Zašto su Vam potrebne usluge OSM QA testiranja?